Saturday, December 26, 2009

Google Guru exclusive screenshots (unofficial and unlaunched)

I know that many users are wanting to see the Google Guru, so we made our best ideas to manage the screenshots of the Google Guru. It is not yet released or official announced but anyhow i managed it to give you a basic idea about the Google Guru interface. As according to the Blogoscoped blog "Chris writes in to say he’s spotted a new service on his Google account services page: “Google Guru”, which points towards ... which is non-existent at the moment. The account page reads, “Guru ... Ask questions and get answers from online users”." and i too even published a post on the Google Guru.

So, take a look on the below screenshots with some brief description about its function..

This above screenshot is of the article or some writings published by its users and sometimes "Questions asked" in the form of Detail writings. The voting button for the rating of the discussions "Questins as well as the answers". The user details with ranks may be given above the "Asked Question".

Related Question page links: A user who is in need of perfect "Question's Answer" could surf the different links related to that question.

The Answers given by the the users who knows the best answers, would be rated with the vote button. The Users may also share graphics or pic on their answer. (related pic only).

A sidebar which would be having the lists of the high rated and active members. Therefore they may be ranked according to their contribution.

Source: Google Guru Thai
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