Tuesday, December 22, 2009

YouTu.be short URL Service launched after Goo.gl

Now, its tension free to share a YouTube video over the Twitter. Generally, the problem we face is the sharing off the YouTube video link like "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgKwfnLMc2o" over the 140 character message box. Therefore, we generally share the youtube video link with the short URL service like bit.ly, tinyurl, etc.. This too arises problems to the video viewers, as sometimes it happens that many spam blogs takes the oppurtinities of the Yutube video sharing over the real time sharing like Twitter- the spam bloggers embeds the video to the blog post and shares it to Twitters for gaining traffic. Sometimes there found some affected links through tweets on the name of Youtube videos.

But these all afftected link sharing was the problem of past and till the launched of the Google secured short URL service Goo.gl. Its time to say "Good Bye!" to those blog spammers who used to made the real youtube viewers angry.. The pure youtube viewers can now identify the real youtube videos through an identifying unique short URL like youtu.be . The link to the video will be in the manner of : "http://youtu.be/RgKwfnLMc2o". It is very easy for the every videos lovers to identify the YouTube site video and ensures them that it redirects to the Youtube page only and not others.

How to create an Uniques link for your video?
There is no short link creator for this "youtu.be" like bit.ly . All the thing you need to do for creating the short URL for your youtube video is just some manual changes in the original link like: "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgKwfnLMc2o" and replace the"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" with "http://youtu.be/". Now, try this link on your browser and see whether it redirects to that video which you want... 
If the process of creating short link is successful, then free to copy and paste it on your Tweet message box for sharing the video.
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